CAiNE and Domo-kun

Mar 18, 2008 09:57

CAiNE is over, Brighton, Jack and I had a grand time.  The Forsaken game was badass (can anyone say Silver Crusade) and I hear those other venues went okay as well ;)  Beyond the various game stuff, which will be regaled to those of you that care in person,  I had a hilarious experience at a convenience store late one night during CAiNE.

Jack, Brighton and I walked over to the store to buy some non-alcholic drinks and perhaps some food (the store had an all night Subway inside of it, I know, shocking).  And in our mild inebriation were waddling around the store looking for food  and drink items that seemed appealing.  During this a strangely mustached man approaches me and says  "I love your Domo-kun teeshirt.  I will buy it off you and give you another shirt to replace it.  Yessir, that's right, I will buy the shirt off your back!"

You see I love my Domo-kun shirt too and having only recently obtained it myself I was disinclined to part with it.  Plus the strangely mustached man was a good deal smaller than me so I had sincere doubts that the shirt he could provide could adequately replace mine.   So after these few seconds of deep consideration I reply "Dude, just go buy your own at hot topic."

The strangely mustached man nods and then something hits him "Wait! Did you just say hot topic! OMG you just ruined it!"  then he marches away in a tiff and I laugh maniacally. 
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