Since I just moved to the UK I'm needing an opinionated british friend that likes to swear a lot. My US sarcasm isn't translating as I'd hoped here and clearly I need to learn some new swear words. Also <3 30 rock and cheese. Red Leicester is currently on my sandwich. mmm.
Ah, Leeds. I've been there. Have a friend that went to school there for a while. I'm about 30 minutes by train (south west? I think) from London). Lots o countryside haha... and cows. Lived in Leeds all your life??
I'm originally from Florida but lived in Boston for about 7 years before I moved here (3 weeks ago) hah.
Ah cool. Haven't been to Blackburn but made many a trip to the Star and Garter in Manchester. I'm here to under the guise of a doctoral program but really I'm just here to eat mullers strawberry fruit corner yogurt and jaffa cakes till my visa runs out.
Oh crunchie and cider are both on my list.. along the cheese. so so much cheese mmmmmm. The TV thing is the worst.. I recommend a US vpn... or finding a nice American friend who has cable and will install a slingbox for you. the slingbox is a magical thing. I am watching US tv over the internet right now. I'd be lost with out it. As for the pretty men.. I've been busy trying to import a few from Mexico.. if I'm successful I'll start taking orders for the US.
Mmm red Leicester, that's an excellent choice my friend.
ETA - Oh and where you studying?
I'm originally from Florida but lived in Boston for about 7 years before I moved here (3 weeks ago) hah.
You here to study or to live?
Ooh I love the Mexican accent, something about it. Grr!
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