Jan 09, 2009 16:01
So, I had a little spare time today at school while I was printing off an unofficial transcript. By the way, it's now official: I will be graduating in April 2009. I'm actually taking one class too many, this semester, but if I drop it then I won't have enough credit hours to keep my financial aid, (plus it's on the geography/geology of national parks, which has a relation to some of the subject matter on the book I want to write) so I'm going to take it, anyway. Regardless of that, however, while I was researching my transcript through the WMU website, I decided to do a little math. Yeah, I'm fun like that.
I went through my transcript and wrote down all the classes that I failed because I simply didn't go. Then I wrote down the amount of credit hours... In total, I have 25 hours of classes failed, simply because I didn't go. If you add in the amount of classes that I withdrew from (about five or six more four credit hour classes) and the two classes that I recieved D's in because I gave up and received a low grade, that's about forty or maybe even fifty credit hours...
Yes, I wasted two years of college. Add in the cost of tuition and books, and I bet it'd be near to $10,000... I wish I could blame someone other than myself for this. Really.
And, as an added bonus, every time I submit my transcript to someone, they'll look at my GPA and go "Jesus. A 2.67? How'd he even graduate?" without acknowledging the fact that for the last three years of my education, the lowest grade I've received was a CB in "Foundations of the Modern World View," and that was a philosophy class, so it doesn't really count. (Well, it does, but when you consider the general vagaries of any endeavor into the realm of philosophy, one can only conclude that philosophy, in itself, is neither valid nor sound). As a result, my GPA in the classes that I'm using to graduate (i.e. the classes on my major slip, my minor slips, and my Gen Ed required courses) is somewhere around a 3.5, but nobody looks at that...
Which is why I'm thinking about taking the LSAT, just for the fuck of it. I figure if I get an A on it, nobody will be able to say shit about my student record, and maybe I'll get a cushy ride to some sweet-ass university somewhere, get a degree in law, and then sue all your asses for even thinking bad things about me.
No offense, I'm just a bitter, bitter little man, and you're probably a lot cooler than me, so it's fitting that I should use envy and revenge as an outlet for my emotional, intellectual, and physical shortcomings in life. Right?
Heh. I make myself laugh quietly to myself in very sneaky fashion.