E-mail I just got.
"Hello David,
I didn't run into you before your class with Dr. Seely today, so I
thought I'd send you a quick note reminding you about the possibility
of presenting your Wife of Bath paper at Undergrad Symposium since the
deadline for nominations will soon be upon us. Now, you should feel no
pressure to do this if you are planning on giving a different paper at
the Symposium or don't feel you can do it. But, if you haven't had the
chance to present at the Symposium or would like to present again this
year, I thought I'd let you know that your excellent work in Chaucer
class is definitely Symposium worthy. You can find all the info at
www.emich.edu/symposium. I'm in my office on MW from 3:30-6 if you want
to stop by to chat about it. The deadline is January 14th and we'll
have to chat about you pulling together an abstract (which you could do
AFTER this semester's coursework).
Prof. Neufeld"
...we shall see.