Fic: "Whole Damn World's Come Apart... (John Puts It Back...). Remix Based on A Farm In Iowa SGA AU

Jun 21, 2013 22:02

I just finished reading sheafrotherdon's (aka Cate according to her lj and which I will use from here on b/c it is shorter and I am lazy) A Farm in Iowa SGA AU epic series. Friends, this is a hug wrapped in chocolate wrapped in a kitten. I describe it to myself as "John inherits a farm. Rodney ensues."

So, it's like this. First off, I want to mention that Cate has a blanket permission for derivative, transformative, remix, etc etc works based on her stuff on her lj profile before I go on. I have never done a derivative work for someone who I don't know. As a (mostly lurking) SGA fanfic reader, I've seen Cate's name and read her work, but we don't know each other. But I couldn't pass up this opportunity, so I really hope if she sees it she'll think it doesn't suck and that it is not too weird to have a stranger dabbling in her 'verse. :)

Okay. So it's like this. Near the end of the 'verse John asks Rodney how many men he's been with before John. This is after they've been together for years. And Rodney says "none". And it's this tragic, heartbreaking scene because Rodney is so fragile in it. He's picturing what would have happened if he hadn't come back to John and everything he has now that he wouldn't have. Things he probably never dreamed of having.

So I got to think about this line here: (When John finally presses inside Rodney's body it's August, humid, and with his lips against the curve of Rodney's spine, John swears the whole damn world's gonna come apart, can't hold together, not after this). Which is in And Then There Was Finn, and it's parenthesed like that, so it's there as an aside, but now that I think about it, knowing what I know now about Rodney, plus the fact that up to that point while it's implied they are having sex, it hasn't really been too detailed and then here's this lone sentence specifically about sex and specifically about John topping, well, I think that sentence is there because it's important for the reader to know, even if John thinks it's important for a different reason.

So I wrote a little fic from Rodney's POV about that moment. I call it "Whole Damn World's Gonna Come Apart (The John Puts it Back Together Remix)"

Here is the fic:

John doesn't say anything about switching, so Rodney figures he's a power bottom, which is great, because hey, he knows what to do with his cock, what with being a guy and all, but he's not real sure his ass is ready to put a welcome sign on the rear entrance. However, Rodney has an innate sense of fairness, plus (okay) John's getting-fucked-orgasm-face makes him kind of jealous and he wants to know what it feels like from the inside to have John stretching him, sliding into him slow and smooth, bending down to kiss his neck and mumble things that aren't quite "I love you."

He starts testing out positions on John to see which ones he might want John to try on him. Missionary is out. John might be able to bend in half, but no way is Rodney trying that his first time. Also out: Anything involving 90 degree angles or legs straight in the air. John doesn't seem to mind the experimentation if the dopey look after he's orgasmed is anything to go by.

Still, Rodney consults a website (encrypted encrypted encrypted on his laptop) before he makes his final decision. For his first time taking a man... John's cock, he'll be on his stomach, legs slightly spread, and ass raised. Supposedly this will help him relax.

"Any objections to topping tonight?" he asks after dinner. (Well, he's done with his spaghetti and is well into his third glass of wine. John chokes on the bite he's in the middle of. Rodney panics and throws a glass of water at him, and John leaps up from the table. By the time everything has calmed down, John is wet and shirtless and has marinara sauce in his chest hair.)

"No, no objections," John says.

Rodney thought he'd be nervous, but he isn't when he lays in bed in the pre-decided position. Then John says, "So, should I just get to it?" with an uptick in his tone that lets Rodney know he's amused, and Rodney realizes he is kind of scared. But he plasters on his "I can't believe I have to put up with imbeciles" face before he rolls over to stare at John.

John, who is naked and balanced on his knees on the mattress at the edge of the bed. John, who is grinning at him like Rodney is the best thing he's ever seen. John, who is stroking his cock and idly scratching his chest hair and just watching him.

And Rodney realizes that he's not scared. Because this is John. This is the guy he came back for. The only person he's ever wanted to come back for. The guy he's going to spend the rest of his life with. If he can't let John in, he's never going to have this kind of sex with anyone.

"No." He doesn't have to force his grin as he reaches up. John comes to him easily and kisses his nose. (Dork.) "We can take our time."

When John finally presses inside his body it's August, humid, and Rodney swears the whole damn world's gonna come apart, but with John's lips against the curve of Rodney's spine, Rodney knows John will put it back together again.

Ta da!! (And of course last paragraph is tribute to the original which inspired this.)

*bites nails*

Seriously, guys, go read the whole verse. You'll feel good after. And during. My heart.

inspired by others, stargate: atlantis, remix, fic

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