I made this theme for fun in a couple of days. Lots and lots of pretty pictures :P I hope you guys like it!
132 images, no repeats.
DOWNLOAD HERE These are instructions for the Custom Mood Theme Editor, just because its more simple to use.
1. Download the .zip file and unzip it (winzip or a similar program)
2.Upload the 132 images to a host
(photobucket works great). Leave the file names as they are!
3. Now go
here. Under 'Create a New Theme' where it says 'Name' type in your description. (ex: gaspard ulliel theme) then hit create.
4. You need the URL for the images you uploaded (photobucket). Enter the correct URL for each mood. Make sure the height and width are correct (100 by 60). When you are finished, click "save changes"
5. Go back to the
mood theme editor. Your mood should be saved in your list of themes. To use the theme click the "Use" button.
crackified has a great post on how to install a theme which is very helpful. You can check it out
here Please credit
damnprecious somewhere in your user info. Enjoy!