Jan 21, 2005 12:21
Sooo lets talk about more people we hate, hmm? well ok i dont hate any certain people, im a pretty loving person overall. BUT... as you have probably figured out there are many many many thinggggs that certain people doooo that any me soo much. OK. There are the self-dignified "I AM AMAZING" people. For example, theyll be talking casually in a conversation, and they relate EVERYTHING back to them... sneakily adding in little comments to impress people. Like there will be a conversation about drugs going on, and that ONE creepette will be like "oh my god, yeah i know. Like, ill never do drugs, because like half of my family has died because of drugs. Like my second uncle was in the hospital because he smoked, and i was like oooh myy good. Im never smoking., Like I totally just respect myself too much." OK. They were trying to make everyone in the room say "OH MY GOD, YOU POOR THING!! YOU ARE SO STRONG FOR DEALING WITH THAT!" fruitcakes. Dont ever fall into the trap of pitying someone thats BEGGING for your pity. Its totally lame. These stupid nimrods think their pain will make them look cooler. MEANWHILE, the girl on the other side of the room HAS no father,her mom is slowly DYING, and she watched her grandparents burn in a house fire.... but the stupid selfish asses are too LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS to even know, let alone care. These stupid fruits also believe that what THEY have to say is REALLY IMPORTANT and EVERYONE should hear it. As if they are the first ones to ever say it. plus They also mold their personalities. Like one day alone in their room as they practice cute faces in their mirror, theyll say to themselve, "hmmm, ill be REALLY unique if i like ... rugby! cause im a girl! and so ill be unique!" so THHEENN, everytime rugby comes up in conversation, theyre like OOOOOOHHH MMYYYY GOOODDDD i LOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEE RUGBY! DID YOU HEAR ME GUYS?!?! I SAID I LOVE RUGBY!!!!!!" uuuughghhhh. Go buy a life.
Do you know the kind of people im talking about?
You know those... ahem...heavyset people that get really nervous and exctied when they do something they think is funny and loud and then their face turns reeeaaallllly red cause theyre so excited and they look around francitally for someone to laugh? haha those people are funny.
Its also funny how there are those guys that hug every girl in the school, ((im not saying that its bad, boys ;)... especially if you smell good. justkidding))and then there are certain girls that they hug that go home and theyre like "OMG HE HUGGED ME TODAY! HE MUST LIKE ME!! AAHHH!!!" haha when really he hugged like 78 other girls and it was completely meaningless. haha. poor airheads.
Well thats my word for the day. I'm spent!