(no subject)

Aug 23, 2033 03:19

jus allah is black god
for every 5 divine its 95 slack jaws

im almost out of love i have very little respect
im god so you think that i would probably care
truth is i fucking hate yall im solemly swear
i can give a fuck if you die. no im not saving your
lives, i never find it hard saying goodbye.
its water under the bridge never under my eyes
the only thing that gets white is the blood off knives
its nothin you niggas lack purpose you fuckin worthless
i decided the earth no longer needed your services
you never heard a fuckin god more virtuous

im way beyond the hating stage
make you fucking bathe in razor blades
with someone gay with aids

my stomache got young dead orphans in it
i eat from trash cans at abortion clinics
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