It's Friday the 13th.... and what's more appropriate for such a day that eerily awesome SPN podfic, hmmm?
keerawa Reader:
reena_jenkins Coverartist:
reena_jenkins (I know, how awesome am I?)
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Warnings: Sibling incest, underage sexuality, demon!Dean, dark!Sam, violence, bloodplay, power dynamics, and blasphemy.
Format/Length: mp3, 00:22:42
Author's Summary: "I’ve been known by a thousand names over the ages. Raum, Akoman, Mara, Azazel’s Hound. Lately, I go by Dean Winchester."
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5+1+3+(1+1)+0 = 11 points