The Freaky Doubles 'Verse, Part Three

Apr 27, 2011 21:41

Title: Best. Visual. Aid.
Author: queenklu  
Reader: reena_jenkins  
Fandom: Dark Angel, Gilmore Girls
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Alec/Dean Forester
Format/Length: mp3, 00:04:14

Author's Summary: "For maddonna001 who asked for Dean!Forester/Alec and, whether she liked it or not, got a timestamp for the freaky doubles verse."

Download link: click me!

5+1+1+(3+3+5)+0 = 18 points

***Note: This fic is the last part of a three-part series. I'm all done posting it - hooray! Thanks for sticking with me. Enjoy...  ;-)

reader:reena_jenkins, archived, fandom:gilmore girls

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