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Comments 14

bessyboo April 23 2011, 02:15:50 UTC
Hey look, you posted early tonight! ;P

Also, I read a fic today which you HAD NOT PODFICCED, and in my head, I actually heard it IN YOUR VOICE. Your podficcing prolificacy is possibly doing strange things to my brain. JUST SO YOU KNOW.


reena_jenkins April 23 2011, 02:49:56 UTC
Eh, not quite early...I haven't posted my Deep And Meaningful Personal Reflections for these yet ;-)

And, of course, NOW YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT FIC IT WAS, so I can read it and be amused. AND MAYBE PODFIC IT AT A LATER DATE :-D


bessyboo April 23 2011, 03:47:59 UTC
Oooh, I forgot about that. Heh.

And it was bits and pieces of We’re Lost, It’s Cold, and There Are Dragons Out There, which I haven't even finished yet because it is LONG and I am reading it in pieces as a reward for myself as I clean, but, yes. It is v. v. strange, your voice just, like, seeps into my brain for certain sections, IDEK XD

(Also, I don't even know if you're even IN Merlin fandom, which makes it even more bizarre!)


reena_jenkins April 25 2011, 04:41:43 UTC
I am not actually in Merlin fandom, as I haven't seen any episodes of the show yet (and Doctor Who has just swept back into my life, to completely obliterate any spare enthusiasm I might have, for, say, the next three weeks or so (I'll be jumping up and down excitedly from the sheer "Thank the Lord, I have more episodes to watch!" glee, for at least that long until the novelty wears off again)), BUT! I will take a look at the fic anyway, because I bet it's a pretty amazing fic, if you're rationing bits of it...

But, I really am not promising anything until the newness of NEW DOCTOR WHO has worn off a bit ;-)


anie_chan April 24 2011, 04:50:29 UTC


reena_jenkins April 25 2011, 04:37:56 UTC


aphelant May 16 2011, 04:47:45 UTC
reena_jenkins May 24 2011, 04:09:48 UTC
Thank you!
(And, sorry it took me even longer to respond...)


dodificus May 23 2011, 22:54:46 UTC
John says something along the lines of 'we're fucking monogamous now' in the second one and I loved the way you said it:D


reena_jenkins May 24 2011, 04:10:51 UTC

It's awesome to hear that a particular line was delivered well - thanks for telling me! I'm all gleeful and everything, right now....


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