Superman (Comic)/podfic: It's a bird. It's a plane. It's the End of the World as She Knew It.

Feb 14, 2011 05:45

Title: It's a bird. It's a plane. It's the End of the World as She Knew It. And She felt Pretty Good
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Superman (comic)
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Kal-el/Lois Lane
Format/Length: mp3, 2.38Mb, 6:46
Background: Written for the Racebending Challenge and is part of the "Sometimes I wish I could fly, like a bird in the sky" series, in which kryptonians are black and Lois Lane has a non-secret. Singer at beginning and end are Ella Fitzgerald.
Author's Summary: In 1967, in honor of Loving versus Virginia finishing its climb through the courts, Lois throws a party. Well, has Kal-el throw a party. A costume party, but not necessarily the costumes that you might think.

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fandom:dcu/dcau (animated), archived, reader:fresne

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