Due South Podslash: 'Turn and Turn About' by Qe2

May 31, 2008 10:57

Fanfic Title: 'Turn and Turn About' by Qe2 | Sendspace
Rating: Adult
Format: MP3, 17.9 MB, 15:38
Fanfic Author: qe2
Link to Fanfic: Turn and Turn About
Fandom: Due South
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio
Read by: zabira
Email: zabira27 (at) gmail (dot) com
Disclaimer: Neither this story nor the characters it portrays belong to me. I am just playing in this sandbox.
Note: Q, this fic just about burned out my monitor screen with hotness. It's as if you read my mind and gave me all the good gifts. This is my feeble attempt to return the favor.

Points: 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 9

This recording is also hosted on general_jinjur's wonderful audiofic archive, as either an MP3 or a podbook (with a lovely cover by cybel).

reader:zabira, fandom:due south

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