presenting: jandrina, ampliplanet award winner!!!!!

Oct 18, 2010 17:59

This year we introduced bonus points for podficcing in languages other than English. We also created a new award, the Ampliplanet Award, to give to the person who received the most language bonus points! jandrina is this year's multi-lingual winner!!

A graphic!

made by aphelant from a cc-licensed image (noii's on flickr)

And a podfic!!

made by general_jinjur from a cc-licensed image (gingerblokey on flickr)

Of Attacking Trees and Moving Walls
written by jandrina (amarok)
read by kinseyx
length: 13:19
mp3: direct download / archive entry
m4b: direct download / archive entry

post:mod, fandom:lord of the rings, archived, reader:kinseyx, gifts:prizes

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