SGA Podfic: What Frenzy Dictates, by evangeline

Jul 13, 2010 23:17

Title: What Frenzy Dictates

Author: of-evangeline

Reader: cookiemom6067

Fandom: SGA

Rating: PG

Paring: McShep

Length: 13:07

Story Here: What Frenzy Dictates

Download MP3 Here: from Sendspace

Reader's Note: I asked for permission to podfic this two years ago. My tardy entry into actively podficcing (as opposed to actively THINKING ABOUT IT), then the time spent on longer stories, Help Haiti stories, and on minor things like working and other RL considerations caused me to put off recording this delightful story until now. This has a very fun and funny McShep vibe, with a sideways glance at Lorne/Parrish. The star of the show was definitely "evil Chuck" - who absolutely steals the show. It also features a John POV that is very nearly pouty. I love John here, in all his insecure glory.

fandom:stargate atlantis, reader:cookiemom6067, archived

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