Fanfic Title: 'Limp' by Wax_Jism |
SendspaceRating: Adult
Format: MP3, 29.9 MB, 26:04
Fanfic Author:
wax_jismLink to Fanfic:
LimpFandom: Due South
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski, Kowalski/OMC
Read by:
zabiraEmail: zabira27 (at) gmail (dot) com
Disclaimer: Neither this story nor the characters it portrays belong to me. I am just playing in this sandbox.
Author's Summary: It's a nasty scene.
Warning: Violence, Non-Con
Point Value: 8
Note: I've always loved this story. It is fascinating characterization on Kowalski, especially. I can see this tough, fierce version of him so clearly. The scene is intense and disturbing, however, and the non-con is not a joke or a game. If you think that might bother you, please don't listen.
ETA: There is a permanent home for this recording, on
general_jinjur's beautiful
audiofic page.