Various podfic

May 30, 2010 15:53

I almost missed this again this year, but a timely reminder has me joining in.

Fic includes: eidfic, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Bible Old Testament, Bible New Testament, Apocrypha, Kushiel, 1001 Arabian Nights, 13th Warrior, Oresteia, Marie de France, 1602, Dollhouse, Greek Myth, Frankenstein, Phantom of the Opera, Merlin, Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, Divine Comedy/BtVS/AtS, Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Black Stallion, Addams Family, RPF (30s/40s Hollywood), the Fall

Title: Cup of Charity
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: eid_fic
Pairings: none or an ifrit, a jinn and an malaekah walk into a bar.
Rating: G
Summary: Mikha'il has been told to wait by the door until his cup is full. His cup is made of Styrofoam. It is a large, not a small. Umar has not been told to wait. He's waiting anyway. Danya doesn't wait at all. That's why there's sand everywhere. A story in which nothing much happens. Or a lot. Depending.
Collections: eid_fic 2009
Words: 1891
MP3: 9:42, 1.71 Mb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+5 = 17

Title: Words Rise
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: eid_fic
Pairings: none/gen
Rating: G
Summary: Original Characters. Tell stories as the breath fades. Open the door.
Collections: eid_fic 2008
Words: 3275
MP3: 18:22, 1:14MB
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Points: 5+1+3+3+5=17

Title: Tale of the shipwecked Sailor
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Ancient Egyptian literature
Pairings: None
Rating: G
Summary: The fresh wind in Neco's face is the sweetest of perfumes. The blue water white with foam, Ra's light shining down, are Neco's lapis-lazuli, his ivory, his gold. Then each afternoon, he sails home to his treasure.
Collections: eid_fic 2009
Words: 1891
MP3: 28:15, 6.92 Mb
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Points: 5+1+3+5+5+1=19

Title: Bread and Fish (and wine)
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Bible New Testament
Pairings: None/gen
Rating: G
Summary: They departed thence by ship into a desert place apart. So to the crowds. So to the fish.
For: yuletide 2008
words: 1117
Mp3: 6:05, 2.35 Mb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+5=17

Title: Faith is Blind (but that doesn't mean no eyerolls)
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Bible
Pairings: Sarah/Pharoah, Sarah/Abimilech, Sarah/God/Abraham, Abraham/Hagar
Rating: PG.
Summary: Sarah was silent, which isn't to say that she didn't say a great deal.
For: yuletide 2009
words: 1428
Mp3: 5:46, 1.01 Mb
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~Listen to it Points: 5+1+1+5+5=17

Title: Tambourine Woman
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Bible
Pairings: None/gen
Rating: G
Summary: There were quiet girls. Miriam wasn't one of them.
Words: 676
Mp3: 3:56, 1.52 Mb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+1=17

Title: Writhed in the Birthing of Her
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Bible Old Testament
Pairings: Deborah/gen, Bathsheba/God/David, Esther/Xerses
Rating: R
Summary: Deborah wore the lines of peace on her heart. Bathsheba gave herself to God's eyes. Esther waited and watched.
for: yuletide 2007
Words: 1803
Mp3: 10:04, 3.81 Mb
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Points: 5+1+3+5+11(5+5+5)=27

Title: Sparrows Fall in Flight
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Book of Tobit
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Summary: Raphael and Tobiah in brief conversation and harmony as they walk to Media. From the Book of Tobit.
For: New Years Resolution 2004
Words: 2068
Mp3: 10:00, 1.75Mb
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Points: 5+1+3+5+5=19

Title: Twelve Months, Plus one
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Jacqueline Carey - the Kushiel's Legacy Series  
Pairings: Gen sections (it happens), Morphys no Dahlia/Comptesse d'Eon, Etienne no Alyssum/Duc D'Angouleme, Yvnonne no Heliotrope/nameless, Dianne no Mandrake/nameless, Raphael Murain no Gentian/Tarren d'Eltoine
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Janvier to decembre in the Houses of Night Blooming Flowers.
For: yuletide 2008
words: 1448
Mp3: 10:42, 4.01 Mb
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Points: 5+1+3+5+5=19

Title: Of Nightingales and other things
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: 1001 Arabian Nights
Pairings: Storyteller/Sultan
Rating: PG
Summary: Words, those languid coquettes flirted from the silken couch of her tongue. The smoky husk of her much trammeled voice caught and twisted its long barbs into the Sultan's ears.
MP3: 5:03, 890Kb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+5=17

Title: Al Hamdu li-llah (All praise is due to Allah)
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: 13th Warrior
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Summary: The sun had risen this morning. Today, they were alive.
Words: 207
MP3: 1:24, 248Kb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+5=17

Title: She Wants Revenge
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Aeschylus - The Oresteia
Pairings: Gen
Rating: PG
Summary: She tends to the bath herself.
Words: 281
MP3: 1:51, 327Kb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+1=17

Title: Garwaf
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Lais of Marie de France
Pairings: King/Garwaf
Rating: PG.
Summary: The world is full of Garwaf, but only one Bisclavret. Or a lesson in courtesy.
For: yuletide 2009
words: 1057
Mp3: 5:23, 994Kb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+5=17

Title: Skylark
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: 1602
Pairings: Angel/Master Grey
Rating: G
2004 New Year's Resolution Yuletide.
Summary: A drabble dusty moment in the class room.
Mp3: 7:03, 2.65 Mb
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Points: 5+1+1+3+5=15

Title: A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Dollhouse
Pairings: Sierra/Victor
Rating: PG
Summary: Two souls therefore, which are one, Though one must go, endure not yet A breach, but an expansion,
Like gold to aery thinness beat.
If they be two, they are two so, As stiff twin compasses are two ;
One soul, the fix'd foot, makes no show To move, but doth, if th' other do.
And though it in the centre sit, Yet, when the other far doth roam,
It leans, and hearkens after it, And grows erect, as that comes home.
Words: 1058
Mp3: 6:03, 1.06 Mb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+5=17

Title: Queer as the Fork when the Knife Ran Away with the Spoon
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast
Pairings: Beauty/Beast
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Beauty grew up in a box. He divided himself. How could he know who he was, unless he undid the wrapping? / Beauty is a black, gay, magic using (but not abusing) man with a leather fetish and knack for roses. Beast doesn't quite know what to think (but he kind of likes it). Mom is mom and therefore awesome.
Words: 4,482
Mp3: 21:59, 3.86 Mb
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Points: 5+3+3+3+3=15

Title: Chrysalis: A Love Story
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Greek Mythology
Pairings: Psyche/Eros
Rating: R
Summary: Psyche dreams stained glass butterfly wings to fly her high above the City. Eros already has his wings.
Collections: yuletide
Words: 9400
MP3: 56:23, 6.92 Mb
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Points: 5+6+1+3+5 =22

Title: Emostein
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Mary Shelley - Frankenstein
Pairings: Victor/Creature/Henry
For: thingswithwings yuletide 2008
rating: PG.
Summary: Long had Henry longed for a friend, someone whose gentle and yet courageous heart, and cultivated and yet capacious mind could approve and amend his own ardent and yet irregular flaws. Here then at his very side stood that potential of friendship, Victor Frankenstein.
words: 1428
Mp3: 9:08, 3.38Mb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+5=17

Title: Music of the Morning
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Phantom of the Opera
Pairings: Christine/Meg Giry
Rating: PG-13
Summary: note:Christine decides Erik is a psycho stalkerboy rapist and Raoul is a whiny twit, and runs off with Meg Giry instead.
words: 476
Mp3: 3:04, 1.17 Mb
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Title: Hidden Rubies and a Line of Salt
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Merlin
Pairings: Uther/Dragon
Rating: R
Summary: The king is a king. They say his blood runs hot. The dragon is a dragon. They say his blood runs cold. The land is the land. It is a patient romantic caressed by the sea and sky.
Words: 925
Mp3: 6:00, 1.05 Mb
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Points: 5+1+1+3+5=15

Title: Commedia of Sinking
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Secret Adventures of Jules Verne
Pairings: Jules Verne/OFC
Rating: G
Summary: Venice is sinking. This is not entirely Phileas' problem.
Collections: Yuletide 2009
Words: 1180
MP3: 6:06, 1.07 Mb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+5=17

Title: Dante and Virgil’s wild and Wacky, yet Efficacious, adventures in the Lands Buffalonious, Angelic, and Britannic, with some small appearances by familiar characters: a Comedy in 3 parts (three parts each, sortof)
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Divine Comedy
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Summary: Dante and Virgil go to Sunnydale, L.A., and England and have wild wacky, and yet efficacious adventures
Words: Lots
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~Listen to it: 76.8
Sunnydalio - Canto 1 - 18:15, 3.21Mb
Sunnydalio - Canto 2 - 9:03, 3.61 Mb
Sunnydalio - Canto 3 - 6:37, 1:16 Mb
Los Angelesio - Canto 1 - 5:26, 2.03 Mb
Los Angelesio - Canto 2 - 12:24, 4.64 Mb
Los Angelesio - Canto 3 - 10:58, 4.14 Mb
Englandio - Canto 1 - 6:35, 2.46 Mb
Englandio - Canto 2 - 0:43, 271 Kb
Englandio - Canto 3 - 6:47, 2.56Mb
Points: 5+1+6+12(3+3+5)+5=29

Title: Dream of the Burning Heart
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairings: Sarah Connor/Crommartie
Rating: PG
Summary: Sarah dreams of a burning heart. Cromatrie doesn't dream.
Words: 420
MP3: 2:45, 485KB
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Points: 5+1+1+3+5 =15

Title: Memory of Green
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairings: Sarah/Derek
Rating: PG
Summary: They're both trying to remember
Words: 191
MP3: 1:13, 220Kb
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Points: 5+1+1+3+3 =13

Title: Before Sunrise - 0 - Before Sunset
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Before Sunrise - 0 - Before Sunset
Pairings: Celine/Jessie
Rating: G
Summary: New York. Bangkok. Istanbul. Rome. Cancun. Sydney. Paris.
Words: 170
MP3: 1:10, 207Kb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+5 =17

Title: Sirocco
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Black Stallion
Pairings: gen
Rating: G
Summary: Home where the boy is. Flying across the sand.
Words: 156
MP3: 1:00, 177Kb
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Points: 5+1+1+5+1=17

Title: Passodobles
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: Addams Family
Pairings: Gen
Rating: Morticia/Gomez
Summary: That's not pasodobles. This is pasodobles.
Words: 187
MP3: 1:15, 223Kb
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Points: 5+1+1+3+5=17

Title: 5 Times They Danced, One Time They Didn't
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: RPF
Pairings: Fred Astaire/Hermes Pan
Rating: G
Summary: Dancing for 5 of the 30s era movies and one time they didn't dance.
Words: 3268
MP3: 17:40, 3.11Mb
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Points: 5+1+3+5+5=19

Title: Blue Rose of Ontario
Author: fresne
Reader: fresne
Fandom: The Fall
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
For: yuletide 2008
Summary: She saw him again on Saturday. Just a half turn of his face as the hero dangled off a long metal girder high above some city street.  
Words: 2068
Mp3: 6:38, 1.16Mb
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fandom:fairy & folk tales, fandom:poetry (various), fandom:secret adventures of jules verne, small fandom:miscellaneous, fandom:sarah connor chronicles, small fandom:literature, fandom:firefly/serenity, small fandom:rpf, fandom:buffy/angel verse, small fandom:movies & tv movies, fandom:kushiel's legacy series, fandom:merlin (bbc), fandom:the fall, fandom:mythology, fandom:bible (various), archived, fandom:marvel, fandom:phantom of the opera, small fandom:tv series & miniseries, fandom:oresteia, reader:fresne

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