Title: Xaphania Liked to Watch
Author: Atticus
Fandom: His Dark Materials
Time: 7:51
Size: 7.2 MB
Rating: G
Pairing: Gen
Summary: Xaphania liked to watch. A window into Xaphania's and Iorek's life post the end of the last book.
Link to Podfic:
http://audiofic.jinjurly.com/xaphania-liked-to-watch-demon-versionIt's only two words, however if you would prefer the pronouciation daymon rather than demon for daemon here is another link:
http://audiofic.jinjurly.com/xaphania-liked-to-watch-daymon-versionLink to fanfiction:
http://attiandherfics.livejournal.com/31461.html#cutid1Score: 5+3+1+(3+3) = 15
Title: On the Belated Repayment of a Pear
Author: Salieri
Fandom: Farscape
Time: 19:49
Size: 18.2 MB
Rating: PG for swearing and well the fact that this is Farscape. Spoiler's for Peace Keeper War's.
Pairing: John/Aeryn
Summary: John saved the galaxy. He made Armageddon and then he unmade it again.
He reached out with his mind and fucked with the universe.
Probably served him right when the universe reached back.
Link to Podfic:
http://audiofic.jinjurly.com/on-belated-repayment-of-pearLink to fanfiction:
http://troyswann.livejournal.com/709652.html#cutid1Score: 5+3+3+(3+5) = 19
Ongoing score: 47+15+19 = 81
Permission sought and granted by both authors and I give permission to archive.