Title: The Last Night on Earth
dreaming_athena Reader:
dreaming_athena Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Summary:AU after OOTP. Believing he will die the next morning Harry comes back to his lover.
Author's Notes: The idea is that Harry didn't find out about his scar being a Horcrux until late in the war, and Dumbledore wasn't sure he'd survive. The song lyrics are to make everything a bit more confusing.
Notes: Music version includes the song "The Last Day On Earth" by Kate Miller-Heidke
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here 5+1+1+(3+3)=13
Title: Farewell
dreaming_athena Reader:
dreaming_athena Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Pairing: Merlin/Morgana Le Fay
Spoilers for both seasons
Summary: Later, Merlin will sit in a boat with the woman he still loves and the corpse of their destiny between them. And he won't know what to say to right his wrongs.
Notes: The music version includes the song 'Farewell' by Apocalyptica at the end with a bit at the beginning.
Download MP3 (without music) at mediafire (4:04, 3.73 MB) or
hereDownload MP3 (with music) at mediafire (9:29, 8.71 MB) or
here Text
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