[Doctor Who/Merlin] Donna Noble, King of Camelot

May 02, 2010 22:55

Title: Donna Noble, King of Camelot
Author: netgirl_y2k
Reader: Lunchee (lunchy_munchy)
Pairing:Gen (Donna, Ten, Arthur, Merlin, Uther, Gwen, Morgana)
Rating: : G
Fandom: Doctor Who, Merlin (BBC)
Summary:  Donna Noble takes over Camelot using her feminine charm, some sleeping pills and a giant magnet.
File Info: mp3, 5.22 MB, 11:24
Notes: Doctor Who themes and John Hurt's Merlin captcha do not belong to me! Thank you very much to netgirl_y2k, who very graciously allowed me to do this :) 
Hope you guys enjoy!

Download at my journal or Jinjurly's archive, thanks to winkingstar !

5+3+1+3{Merlin}+3{Doctor Who}+3{Gen} = 18

reader:lunchee, fandom:merlin (bbc), archived, fandom:doctor who

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