West Wing Podfic: Is That Code? by Waldo.

Apr 07, 2008 16:49

Title: Is That Code? Text Version
Author/Reader: Waldo. (thefannishwaldo )
Fandom: The West Wing
Rating: PG, some words not meant for small children, but nothing you wouldn't hear on t.v.
Pairing: none (gen)
Length: 8:06/9.27 MB
Format: MP3
Links: MegaUpload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6CVUGLVW (this is not a permanent link, I don't have an account anywhere to keep it on a long-term basis)
Point value: (Made a Podfic: 5/First Podfic Ever: 5/Unlisted fandom: 3/Unrepresented pairing: 3) Total = 16 (yes? I did this right?)
Story Summary: Sam wants Josh to teach him some Hebrew. Toby thinks it's purely to infuriate him.

Notes: This is my first ever podfic. I figured, hey, I make a living reading to ten year olds, how hard can it be?  *cough cough*.  Now I know. :)  All kinds of feedback welcome.  Right now I'm sticking to reading my own fic until such a time as I get really comfortable so that I don't butcher some other poor author's work.  I chose this one first since it has an auditory joke in it and I figured it would actually make more sense as a podfic than it does when written out.

First posted to LJ: October 2006

reader:thefannishwaldo, fandom:west wing

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