Title: Stoned by the Villagers (
text version)
Author/Reader: Waldo. (
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sheppard/Beckett
Length: 13:31/15:48 MB
Format: MP3
Links: MegaUpload:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4YX3RJQQ (this is not a permanent link, I don't have an account anywhere to keep it on a long-term basis)
Point value: (Made a Podfic: 5/Fifth Podfic: 2/well represented fandom: 1/unrepresented 'pairing' - Sheppard/Beckett: 3) Total = 11
Story Summary: John gave him a bright smile and a sharp, “Hi!” Rodney rolled his eyes. “You certainly are,” he deadpanned.