Holding FireAuthor:
Opalsong, &
Ailis_FictiveFandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Pairings: Iron Bull/Dorian
Rating: Explicit
Length: 46:07
Size: 63.6MB
Music: Tooth and Scale by Trevor Morris
OpalsongSummary: "You turned," Adaar said, "into a fucking dragon."
It was good that she said it, because someone should, and to be honest the Bull was feeling a bit beyond actual words at that exact moment.
"A small dragon," Dorian said, as though this was somehow relevant. He was quite a small dragon, it was true-he stared down at them now, but most of that height was the arch of his neck, the curve of it covered in shimmering black and gold scales. "A small dragon! Who saved your life!"
mp3Archive Link Thanks to Paraka for hosting!
cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3