Podfics in Various Fandoms

Jan 07, 2017 13:59

Some random short podfics in various fandoms: Critical Role, Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, White Collar, Yuri!!! on Ice

Title: [Podfic] stay awake
Author: pearwaldorf
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Critical Role
Pairing: Percy/Vex
Length: 00:07:49
Summary: none
Link to Text: [Text] stay awake


Title: [Podfic] a stolen kiss
Author: pearwaldorf
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Critical Role
Pairing: Percy/Vex
Length: 00:04:13
Summary: none
Link to Text: [Text] a stolen kiss


Title: [Podfic] Say Hello To Friends You Know
Author: sabinelagrande
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Critical Role
Pairing: Percy/Vex
Length: 00:09:13
Summary: Scanlan is not the person best suited to strategic mistletoe deployment, but maybe Vex is.
Link to Text: [Text] Say Hello To Friends You Know


Title: [Podfic] Because He Said He Loves You and You're Not Ready to Say It Back Yet
Author: gracerene
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Length: 00:09:05
Summary: "I love you," he says, like it doesn't cost him anything to say it, like cracking open his ribs and handing you his heart is as easy as breathing. You know better.
Link to Text: [Text] Because He Said He Loves You and You're Not Ready to Say It Back Yet


Title: [Podfic] Three Fairy Tales, One Prince
Author: tryslora
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Length: 00:07:56
Summary: Fairies have a sense of humor. Stiles does not appreciate the fact that Derek is amused.
Link to Text: [Text] Three Fairy Tales, One Prince


Title: [Podfic] Pretty Boys Write Prophecies On The Hands Of Their Girls
Author: lostinthefire
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: White Collar
Pairing: Neal/El/Peter
Length: 00:06:49
Summary: Neal has a small love affair of a pen and Elizabeth's skin. Peter watches.
Link to Text: [Text] Pretty Boys Write Prophecies On The Hands Of Their Girls


Title: [Podfic] the discovery of yuuri (the japanese one, not the emo one)
Author: thankyouforexisting
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice
Pairing: Victor/Yuuri
Length: 00:17:19
Summary: Yuuri sees him standing there, buck-naked, and promptly faints, swooning like a fairytale maiden.

After Victor’s rushed him to his mother, who doesn’t bat an eyelash at the fact that he’s holding her unconscious son whilst only wearing a towel, he eventually wakes up, and yet, Victor still feels like he’s on uneven ground, ready to tumble.

“What are you doing here?” Yuuri croaks, his blanket held up to cover the lower half of his face, making his voice sound muffled and small, eyes wide and dark. He looks…

He looks ridiculously cute, actually.
// Victor likes the ice under his feet, and he likes the feel of his dog's fur when he's patting him, and he likes Yuuri Katsuki.
Link to Text: [Text] the discovery of yuuri (the japanese one, not the emo one)


fandom:harry potter, reader:fire_juggler, small fandom:web series, small fandom:anime/manga/manhwa, fandom:teen wolf, archived, fandom:white collar

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