Forever towards dawn we run [written by blackkat; read by Opalsong]

Nov 01, 2016 22:26

Title: Forever towards dawn we run
Author: blackkat
Reader: Opalsong
Fandom: Naruto
Pairings: Kakashi/Obito
Rating: Mature
Length: 35:35
Size: 27.4 MB
Music: Somewhere (remix) by Houko Kuwashima
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: After the loss of his wife and his predecessor, Minato throws himself into his work, leaving his son almost entirely alone. Naruto grows up shunned but never outright reviled, aware of his burden and achingly lonely. But it’s not his way to give up, and someday, with the help of Kakashi, Obito, and a few faithful friends, he’s going to show his father just what kind of shinobi he can be.

Links: mp3
Archive Link

Thanks so much to yue_ix for beta-ing my cover art! It looks so much better now!
Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3

reader:opalsong, fandom:naruto, archived

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