[Harry Potter:] Always watching you, even if (Charlie/Draco)

Oct 28, 2016 23:25

Title: Always watching you, even if it's devastating me
Author: smirkingcat
Reader: smirkingcat
Rating: PG
Length: 08:23 min
Summary: As much as Charlie wishes he could look away, his eyes are always fixed upon Draco.
Pairing(s): Charlie/Draco
Warnings: *mentions of death*
Reader's Note:well, i had some time before i'm away for a nice, nice weekend-trip , so here is another one, please enjoy!
This Podfic is for my podfic_bingo card's square: "No Dialogue".
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
CC: Music is from Rewob and the song is Circles

Cover takes you to the post.

fandom:harry potter, reader:smirkingcat, archived

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