Cronus: embrace humanity.Author:
OpalsongFandom: Homestuck
Pairings: Cronus/Multiple
Rating: Explicit
Length: 43:08
Size: 40.1 MB
Music: Red Dress (THE GLITCH MOB Remix) TV On the Radio by The Glitch Mob
OpalsongSummary: You try to dress nice. How do you dress nice for a sex club? You have no fucking idea. But you've got the greaser cool guy look down pretty good, and you think it works for you. You wear your tightest t-shirt. You spend like fifteen minutes in front of the bedroom mirror trying to decide which pair of jeans is the most flattering for your glutes. This is your chance.
Part 1 of the Human Behavior series.
mp3Series Podbook [2:26:48; 70.3MB]
Archive LinkSeries Archive Link
Kankri: learn from humanity.Author:
OpalsongFandom: Homestuck
Pairings: Cronus/Kankri, Cronus/Dirk
Rating: Explicit
Length [Total]: 1:43:41
Music: Starve The Ego, Feed The Soul (R/D remix) by The Glitch Mob
"If you feel that need to dominate-to be in charge, to win-then this is actually a pretty safe way of dealing with that," Dirk says, looking you in the eyes. It doesn't sound like a general, impersonal 'you' at all. "You get what you want and so does your partner. It's not a lot like the bullshit you see in the media."
"But I sh-it's not right to want that," you say, and by now your nerves are thrumming with an echo of the same panic you felt in Cronus's apartment.
Dirk shrugs. "You can spend your whole life trying to make yourself normal, whatever the fuck that actually means, or you can accept how you're different and start looking for ways to be happy."
Part 2 of the Human Behavior series.
Links [Length; Size]:
Chapter 1 [37:07; 34.3]
Chapter 2 [16:51; 15.7]
Chapter 3 [32:48; 30.3]
Chapter 4 [16:55; 15.8]
Series Podbook [2:26:48; 70.3MB]
Archive LinkSeries Archive Link Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!
cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3