17 podfics in various fandoms

Apr 10, 2016 17:15

Whoops! I was trying to keep up with crossposting. Then life happened… again. Here are 17 podfics in the following fandoms:

** I'm marking this as "not archived" (because they aren't) but other archivists don't need to worry about it, I'll get them archived as soon as the archive is up and running again! ♥

Harry Potter

Title: [Podfic] Bespoke
Author: kelly_chambliss
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Mature
Length: 00:46:20
Relationship: Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank/Minerva McGonagall, Millicent Bulstrode/Ginny Weasley
Summary: Millicent Bulstrode gets some new clothes, and Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank gets some.
Link to Original Text: [Text] Bespoke


Title: [Podfic] UnBound
Author: kelly_chambliss
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: General Audiences
Length: 00:29:10
Relationship: Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank/Minerva McGonagall
Summary: Eat, drink, and get dressy, for tomorrow Wilhelmina goes into hiding for the duration of the war.
Link to Original Text: [Text] UnBound


Title: [Podfic] Astraphobia
Author: ChokolatteJedi
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Teen and Up
Length: 00:15:23
Relationship: Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil
Summary: Parvati is afraid of thunderstorms, and now that she's at Hogwarts, that fear is about to cause trouble.
Link to Original Text: [Text] Astraphobia


Title: [Podfic] Rain
Author: katmarajade
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Teen and Up
Length: 00:07:04
Relationship: Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil
Summary: Lavender runs out after http://archiveofourown.org/works/1324591">[Text] Rain


Title: [Podfic] Letter Without Answers
Author: Music
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: General Audiences
Length: 00:10:55
Relationship: Lucius Malfoy-centric, Draco/Hermione
Summary: Lucius writes to his son about Hermione.
Link to Original Text: [Text] Letter Without Answers


Title: [Podfic] The Patient Winter
Author: elmyraemilie
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: General Audiences
Length: 00:22:55
Relationship: Harry/Severus
Summary: Harry knows that the best things in life are worth waiting for. Now if only Severus would cooperate.
Link to Original Text: [Text] The Patient Winter



Title: [Podfic] Food of Love (the Eat It Up remix)
Author: samyazaz
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Merlin
Rating: Mature
Length: 00:27:39
Relationship: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Summary: Five times Arthur got really turned on by Merlin's cooking, and one time Merlin discovered they share the kink.
Link to Original Text: [Text] Food of Love (the Eat It Up remix)



Title: [Podvid] Sweet Like the Sea
Author: storiesfortravellers
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Firefly
Rating: Mature
Length: 00:01:03
Character: Inara Serra
Summary: Inara is a master of other people's desires. Her own desires, fortunately, are still capable of surprising her.
Link to Original Text: [Text] Sweet Like the Sea
Note: This is actually a combination podfic and… vid-like thing.

Teen Wolf


Title: [Podfic] Five Times Derek and Stiles Wanted the Same Book (And One Time There Were Two Copies)
Author: mikkimouse
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Length: 00:25:49
Relationship: Derek/Stiles
Summary: "Hey!" Stiles yanked the book back, but the other guy had a firm grip on it. "What are you--"
He trailed off when he set eyes on the leather-clad god with a glare that could strip paint off a car who also had hold of the book.
Stiles gulped, but he didn't let go. "Hey, dude, I had it first."
Those powerful black eyebrows bent down further. "Like hell you did."
Link to Original Text: [Text] Five Times Derek and Stiles Wanted the Same Book (And One Time There Were Two Copies)


Title: [Podfic] The One With the Bearded Bespectacled Guy
Author: mikkimouse
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: General Audiences
Length: 00:19:35
Relationship: Derek/Stiles
Summary: Based on this prompt: “There’s only one plug in this entire coffee shop and you’re sitting right in front of it and you’re not even using it, and my laptop is about to die in the middle of this online exam I’m taking, so whatever I don’t care how intimidatingly attractive you are I’m sitting down at your table to plug my shit in.”
Link to Original Text: [Text] The One With the Bearded Bespectacled Guy

Once Upon a Time


Title: [Podfic] Like a Drowned Man, a Fool and a Madman
Author: amycarey
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Rating: Teen and Up
Length: 00:16:29
Relationship: Regina/Emma
Summary: "It takes Emma about three days before the heady rush of emotion wears off and she remembers that Hook drives her insane. The first thing she does after telling him that it’s not going to work for her, not in the long term, is get in the bug and drive to Regina’s."
Link to Original Text: [Text] Like a Drowned Man, a Fool and a Madman


Title: [Podfic] Songs of Experience
Author: amycarey
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Rating: Teen and Up
Length: 00:23:22
Relationship: Regina/Emma
Summary: Henry’s home for his final Spring Break before graduating. Regina and Henry have a few drinks together (well, more than a few). Henry’s pretty certain that his mothers are pretty much definitely married even though they’re not in a relationship.
Link to Original Text: [Text] Songs of Experience

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Title: [Podfic] Daily Notes
Author: analise010
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Rating: Teen and Up
Length: 00:04:19
Relationship: Rosa Diaz/Amy Santiago
Summary: Rosa write notes on Amy's skin every day, until Amy gets the message.
Link to Original Text: [Text] Daily Notes

Hawaii Five-0


Title: [Podfic] Tuna
Author: ellievolia
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: H50
Rating: General Audiences
Length: 00:24:07
Relationship: Steve/Danny
Summary: In which Steve disappears, only not really. He just turns into a cat.
Link to Original Text: [Text] Tuna

Third Star


Title: [Podfic] Compromise
Author: Lexigent
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: Third Star
Rating: Teen and Up
Length: 00:01:58
Relationship: Davy/James Kimberly Griffith
Summary: I wanted this to be prose, but it insisted it was poetry. This is what happens when James and Davy from Third Star crash with Girlyman and Mumford and Sons in my head.
Link to Original Text: [Text] Compromise

The Librarians


Title: [Podfic] And the Quarantine
Author: ChokolatteJedi
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: The Librarians
Rating: Teen and Up
Length: 00:12:00
Relationship: Eve Baird/Cassandra Cillian
Summary: Because, really, when fairy tales abruptly take over your bodies and minds, a bit of a quarantine period is in order.
Link to Original Text: [Text] And the Quarantine



Title: [Podfic] Yes
Reader: fire-juggler
Fandom: No Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Length: 00:08:11
Summary: A podmeta.

fandom:brooklyn nine-nine, fandom:harry potter, fandom:hawaii five-0, fandom:merlin (bbc), fandom:firefly/serenity, fandom:teen wolf, archived, reader:fire_juggler, small fandom:tv series & miniseries, small fandom:movies & tv movies, fandom:once upon a time

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