Rubatosis [written by callunavulgari; read by Opalsong, RsCreighton, & SomethingIncoporial]

Mar 04, 2016 23:42

Title: Rubatosis
Author: callunavulgari
Readers: Opalsong & RsCreighton & SomethingIncorporeal
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Pairings: Nico/Percy/Annabeth
Rating: Explicit
Length: 3:29:02
Size: 191.6 MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Two very different people fall in love with a boy called death. Finding each other is chance. Falling for each other isn’t. This is their story. (Or in which Nico is Death with a capital D, Annabeth is a serial killer, and Percy is the poor schmuck who falls for both of them.)

Links: mp3
Podbook [98.4 MB]
Archive Link

Thanks to Paraka for hosting!! and callunavulgari for blanket permission!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3

MODS: Does SomethingIncoporial have a tag? if no can they get one?

reader:rscreighton, reader:opalsong, small fandom:literature, reader:somethingincorporeal, archived

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