Okay, We're In Trouble [written by suzukiblu; read by Opalsong]

Dec 17, 2015 23:05

Title: Okay, We're In Trouble & Sequel (Re-Meeting at Full Moon Bay) & Post-Sequel Snippet
Author: suzukiblu
Reader: Opalsong
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairings: Zuko/Sokka/Jet
Rating: Explicit
Music: Ring of Fire Adam Lambert Cover
Cover: Opalsong
Warnings: involuntary bondage, consent issues, and unsafe sex
Summary: "Oh spirits, he’s trapped in a box with a crazy terrorist and a horny firebender. A horny firebender who is currently their only hope and can’t firebend. Can’t firebend because he’s too horny."

Links [Length; Size]:
Okay, We're In Trouble [1:59:45; 109.9]
Sequel (Re-Meeting at Full Moon Bay) [7:00; 6.6MB]
Post-Sequel Snippet [4:13; 4.1MB]
Podbook [2:10:58; 59.6]
Archive Link

My apologies for the skipping noises. I have a new set up and I'm still working out all the kinks (HA!) in the recording process and apparently my computer likes to make my life hard (heh.)

Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!
And to suzukiblu for blanket permission!!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3

reader:opalsong, fandom:avatar the last airbender, archived

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