Title: Coffeeshop Muffins
skellerbvvt and
momotasticParts: Two versions (Bromance + Romance) + Remix “How to Win a Merthur: A Case Study in 9 Parts”
Overall rating: Mature
Overall Length: 02:08:54
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon ; Gwen/Morgana
Tags: AU - modern, AU - non-magical, friendship, friends to lovers, humour
Warnings: ableist language, sexist language, cis sexism
Wherein Arthur And Merlin Are Dating, Save For the Part Where They Aren't. Also The Girl Version Of Bromance Is Fresbians. But That Isn't Applicable As Morgana And Gwen Are Actually Sleeping Together.
A Merthur is an award for being a disgustingly cute couple. Gwen and Morgana? They'll have a whole shelf-full.
Download link: You can download each version or different compilations from my AO3
here. Audio formats available are: MP3 and M4B. Samples of both stories are available as stream
Alternative downloadlink:
Audiofic Archive