The Peacock Paladin and the King of the Emerald CourtAuthor:
fire_juggler and
vayshLink to Story:
The Peacock Paladin and the King of the Emerald CourtAuthor's Summary: Harry suffers from chronic headaches, and it affects his work and relationships. New pain-management techniques (and their provider) may just be the relief his life needs.
File Size: 79.6 MB (mp3) | 41.3MB (m4b)
Length: 1:22:40 hours
Rating: R
Warning(s): Veela, chronic illness
Cover Art: by
phoenixacidReaders' Notes: Many thanks to
megyal for writing such a terrific story, and for giving permission to record, to
phoenixacid for creating such a beautiful cover, and to
analise010 for giving this podfic a pre-listen for us. This recording was co-podficced for the 2015
hd_collab Fest. Thanks to
hd-collab_mod for coming up with this brilliant new fest and running it so smoothly. We had such a delightful time participating. ♥
Click for download and streaming, leads to AO3.