[Merlin BBC] Pole Dancing AU

Oct 04, 2015 18:27

Title: Pole Dancing AU
Author: silverwings2020 aka bevinkathryn
Reader: momotastic
Parts: 9 + Extended Reader's Notes
Overall rating: Explicit
Overall Length: 05:43:55
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Tags: AU - modern, AU - non-magical, pole dancing, smut, fluff, light angst
Warnings: Sexuall harrassment in part 7, temporary break-up of the main pairing in part 8

Summary: Arthur's secretary is hell bent on getting him a life. He never expected that life to involve her pole dancing friend, Merlin.

Download link: You can download separate parts, compilations or collections from my AO3 here. Audio formats available are: MP3 and M4B. Samples of each part are available as stream. Alternate download link provided by the audiofic archive here.

fandom:merlin (bbc), archived

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