the family evans [written by dirgewithoutmusic; read by Opalsong]

Jul 18, 2015 18:50

Title: the family evans
Author: dirgewithoutmusic
Readers: Opalsong
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: gen
Rating: G
Length: 24:56
Size: 23.1MB
Music: Saving Buckbeak by John Williams
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: What if, when Petunia Dursley found a little boy on her front doorstep, she took him in? Not into the cupboard under the stairs, not into a twisted childhood of tarnished worth and neglect-what if she took him in?

Petunia was jealous, selfish and vicious. We will not pretend she wasn’t. She looked at that boy on her doorstep and thought about her Dudders, barely a month older than this boy. She looked at his eyes and her stomach turned over and over. (Severus Snape saved Harry’s life for his eyes. Let’s have Petunia save it despite them).

Let’s tell a story where Petunia Dursley found a baby boy on her doorstep and hated his eyes-she hated them. She took him in and fed him and changed him and got him his shots, and she hated his eyes up until the day she looked at the boy and saw her nephew, not her sister’s shadow. When Harry was two and Vernon Dursley bought Dudley a toy car and Harry a fast food meal with a toy with parts he could choke on Petunia packed her things and got a divorce.

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cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3

fandom:harry potter, reader:opalsong, archived

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