Podfic: Starstruck, by akavertigo (American Idol AU)

Jul 12, 2015 01:54

Title: Starstruck
Author: akavertigo
Reader: desertport
Fandom: American Idol RPS
Pairings: Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Rating: Teen+
Length: 33,973 words
Cover: desertport
Summary: When America's shiniest superstar disappears in Japan, management calls in the only person likely to find him. Too bad, he's also the last person who wants the job.
Notes: Recorded for tanpopo03, who generously purchased my services in the fandomaid auction benefiting the Philippines.

Audio Links .mp3 [3:58:13; 218 mb]:

fandom:american idol rpf, reader:desertport, archived

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