Title: "The Dying Hobbit"
dunderklumpenFandom: The Hobbit
Type: Slash
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Format: mp3
Length: > 1 hour
Pairing: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
Music: 10cc: "You got a cold"
Summary: "It's just a cold," Gandalf says the following morning when Bilbo wakes up feeling completely under the weather, "a few days rest in bed will do you good, dear fellow." - Or, the one where Bilbo has a cold and everyone thinks he's dying.
A/N: This story is part of the Big Bang 2.0 Challenge over at
Unfortunately I had trouble finding a Beta so I'm hoping it's okay despite the accent of a non-native speaker:) If there are grave pronunciation mistakes, let me know and I'll fix it.
Story on AO3 Link to podfic @ my ff journal @Mods: Do we have a "The Hobbit" tag?