PodfiDIC Reposts

May 03, 2015 11:00

Title: PodfiDIC Audiobook
Creator: Opalsong
Fandoms: Naruto, Leverage, Fairy Tail, Persona 4, Check Please!, Game of Thrones, Teen Wolf, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Saints Row, Rise of the Guardians, Tales of Symphonia, Yu Yu Hakusho
See Individual Podfic Entries Below for Rating and Pairing Information.
Length: 21:50
Size: 9.9MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: A Podbook of all Opalsong's PodfiDIC entries.

Chapter Links:Podbook

Audiofic Archive link: Here

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 1: Sakura and Orochimaru
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Naruto
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 1:19
Size: 1.5MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Ninjas + Tea = _____
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 1: Eliot and Hardison
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Leverage
Pairings: Eliot/Hardison
Rating: G
Length: 1:02
Size: 1.2MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: There's no place like...
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 1: Natsu and Lucy
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 1:10
Size: 1.4MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Natsu has a very specific palate.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 1: Gaara and Lee
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Naruto
Pairings: Gaara/Lee
Rating: G
Length: 1:31
Size: 1.7MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Gaara is sandy. Lee likes sand.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 1: Yukiko and Head Chef
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Persona 4
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 1:23
Size: 1.6MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Yukiko makes tea.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 2: Jack, Bitty, & Reporter
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Check Please!
Pairings: Bitty/Jack
Rating: G
Length: 1:45
Size: 1.8MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: You really should discuss these things first.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 2: Arya, Sansa, & Daenerys
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 1:21
Size: 1.4MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Certain appointments are best made publicly.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 2: Stiles and Mrs. McCall
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 2:22
Size: 2.3MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Possible evil elicits a truth.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 3: Link
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 1:42
Size: 1.8MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Link considers a more direct course of action.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 3: The President
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Saints Row/Rise of the Guardians
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 1:44
Size: 1.9MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: The President makes it her business to get rid of Pitch.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 3: Raine
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 1:26
Size: 1.6MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Raine bakes a cake.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC Seed 3: Yuusuke
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Pairings: Yuusuke/Keiko
Rating: G
Length: 1:52
Size: 2.0MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Yuusuke is a demon and Keiko is... not.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

Title: PodfiDIC: Week 4 (The Moon Goddess Remix)
Creator: Opalsong
Fandom: Game of Thrones, Yu Yu Hakusho, Persona 4, Naruto, Saints Row
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 3:10
Size: 3.3MB
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Evil is about and President Sansa Stark knows just who to send to destroy it.
Chapter Links:MP3

Audiofic Archive link: TBA

This these are podfics created for the PodfiDIC challenge. As such, there is no text. I made them up on the spot.

Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3

fandom:leverage, small fandom:games, small fandom:anime/manga/manhwa, fandom:teen wolf, archived, reader:opalsong, fandom:naruto, fandom:game of thrones/ice & fire series, small fandom:movies & tv movies

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