Leverage/Jupiter Ascending Not!Fic [written by theladyragnell; read by Opalsong]

Mar 20, 2015 23:01

Title: Leverage/Jupiter Ascending Not!Fic
Author: theladyragnell
Readers: Opalsong
Fandom: Jupiter Ascending
Pairings: Jupiter/Caine
Rating: Gen
Length: 6:27
Size: 6.2MB
Music: Leverage Main Title by Joseph Loduca
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: The way I saw it, I had too options for this. One is the one where Hardison is a reincarnated space prince, Eliot is the rollerblading space werewolf sent for him, and Parker is a bounty hunter and they all end up teaming up. The other is, well …

Links: MP3
Archive Link

Thanks to Paraka for hosting! and thanks to theladyragnell for blanket permission!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3

fandom:leverage, reader:opalsong, fandom:jupiter ascending, archived

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