all that is earth

Mar 14, 2015 21:59

Title: all that is earth
Author: novembersmith
Reader: reena_jenkins
Coverartist: reena_jenkins
Rating: NC-17
Fandoms: Jupiter Ascending
Pairings: Jupiter Jones/Caine Wise
Warnings: Post-Movie, Plot What Plot, Porn with Feelings, Oral Sex, Oral Fixation, Scent Kink, Scent Marking, D/s Overtones, Femdom, Wing Kink, Bowling, Cutenes
Music: Fearless, as performed by Taylor Swift

Length: 00:49:44

Author's Summary: "Jupiter’s trying not to take it personally, but being inexplicably flinched away from is getting really, really old."

Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).

***Mods, can I get a Jupiter Ascending tag, please?***

reader:reena_jenkins, fandom:jupiter ascending, archived

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