[Young Wizards] In the Event of Fire

Jan 26, 2015 04:21

Title: In the Event of Fire
Author: mutuisanimis
Reader & Cover:
Fandom: Young Wizards
Characters: Roshaun ke Nelaid, Filif, Carmela Rodriguez, Dairine Callahan, Nita Callahan, Sker'ret, Kit Rodriguez
Rating: General Audiences
Length: 00:41:43
Summary: Roshaun and Filif, with Carmela's help, attempt to make a birthday cake for Dairine.

Available Formats: streaming, mp3 & podbook @ AO3

Thanks to Paraka for hosting!

Crossposted to amplificathon@DW, as well as my personal journals at LJ and DW.

fandom:young wizards, reader:fulldaysdrive, archived

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