Sea Change, by Red, read by sadcypress

Jan 08, 2015 22:47

Story title: Sea Change
Story author: Red (Ao3)
Read by: sadcypress
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Rating: G
Format: *.mp3
Approximate length: 37 min

Author's Summary: The end of the semester means Charles is even more the absent-minded professor than his norm.

But he's sure he would remember seeing someone like Erik at the laundromat, let alone stealing a pelt.

Reader's Notes: My first go at reading for the X-Men: First Class fandom, which has been my not-so-secret obsession for the past few years. Red is a phenomenal writer and I found this story so instantly charming that it finally pushed me back into the podficcing waters.

Feedback is loved like a not!seal loves water and tidiness.

Download links: hxxp://

reader:sadcypress, fandom:x-men (& rpf), archived

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