Five more arthurian short podfics

Dec 08, 2014 20:42

Title : 4th of December (Tristan, Palamedes, Nostalgy)
Author : lucrezianoin
Reader : Allysse
Fandom : Arthurian legends
Characters : Tristan, Palamedes
Pairing : Mention of Tristan/Iseult
Length : 00:02:26

Text : 4th of December (Tristan, Palamedes, Nostalgy)
Podfic (.mp3) : 4th of December (Tristan, Palamedes, Nostalgy)


Title : 5th of December (Galahad, Dindrane, Chocolate + Christmas)
Author : lucrezianoin
Reader : Allysse
Fandom : Arthurian legends
Characters : Galahad, Dindrane, Perceval, Bors
Pairing : None
Length : 00:02:21

Text : 5th of December (Galahad, Dindrane, Chocolate + Christmas)
Podfic (.mp3) : 5th of December (Galahad, Dindrane, Chocolate + Christmas)


Title : 6th of December (Morgana, Merlin, Knitting)
Author : lucrezianoin
Reader : Allysse
Fandom : Arthurian legends
Characters : Merlin, Morgana, Arthur, Morgause
Pairing : Mention of Arthur/Guinevere
Length : 00:02:52

Text : 6th of December (Morgana, Merlin, Knitting)
Podfic (.mp3) : 6th of December (Morgana, Merlin, Knitting)


Title : 7th of December (Guinevere, Arthur, Camping in the woods)
Author : lucrezianoin
Reader : Allysse
Fandom : Arthurian legends
Characters : Guinevere, Arthur
Pairing : Guinevere/Arthur
Length : 00:01:35

Text : 7th of December (Guinevere, Arthur, Camping in the woods)
Podfic (.mp3) : 7th of December (Guinevere, Arthur, Camping in the woods)


Title : 8th of December (Bedivere, Kay, Hawk)
Author : lucrezianoin
Reader : Allysse
Fandom : Arthurian legends
Characters : Bedivere, Kay, Arthur
Pairing : Bedivere/Kay
Length : 00:01:41

Text : 8th of December (Bedivere, Kay, Hawk)
Podfic (.mp3) : 8th of December (Bedivere, Kay, Hawk)


Title : 10th of December (Gaheris, Ragnelle, Fire)
Author : lucrezianoin
Reader : Allysse
Fandom : Arthurian legends
Characters : Gaheris, Ragnelle
Pairing : None
Length : 00:01:09

Text : 10th of December (Gaheris, Ragnelle, Fire)
Podfic (.mp3) : 10th of December (Gaheris, Ragnelle, Fire)

I know the 9th of December is missing. I've somehow overlooked it and realised my mistake once those had been recorded. And then I realised that the text for the 9th of December has some Italian and footnotes in it. So I'm still working on it...

reader:amaranthine_7, fandom:mythology, archived

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