Title: In the Shadow of the Past
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (ACD 'verse)
hardboiledbaby Cover Artist:
fire_jugglerLength: 5,804 words / 0:45:16
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Warnings: none
Author's Summary: Holmes would rather have avoided returning with Watson to the Alps, even years after the events at Reichenbach -- from which he's not sure Watson has ever really recovered. Contains a little angst and a lot of affection. Also an abundance of ice and snow.
Reader's Notes: Recorded for Garonne as part of the fifth round of the Gift Exchange. My heartfelt thanks to the author for a wonderful story, and to fire_juggler for her beta work and gorgeous cover art ♥
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M4B 20.3 MB
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