Iwatobi Swim Club and the Summer of Gods [by Syr, Hananobira, & Opalsong]

Aug 14, 2014 09:25

Title: Iwatobi Swim Club and the Summer of Gods
Author: Syr
Readers: Opalsong & Hananobira
Fandom: Free!/Percy Jackson
Pairings: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 1:01:50
Size: 57.0 MB
Music: "Slpash Free" by The Style Five
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: The Iwatobi Swim Club flies to New York for a swimming camp and ends up at a different camp altogether: Camp Half-Blood. The four newfound demigods make quite the splash when they meet Percy Jackson and adopt him as one of their own.

Links: mp3
Archive Link

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Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3

reader:opalsong, small fandom:literature, small fandom:anime/manga/manhwa, archived, reader:hananobira

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