Looking for voices for a BDSM-AU Merlin (BBC) podfic I am working on

Jul 29, 2014 20:08

Title: Them Gods Gonna Hurt You, Son
Author: Skellerbvvt
Project Lead: Superstitiousme
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Rating: Explicit (most of the roles/parts I need help with are Mature or even Teen, not Explicit)

Word Count: 136,493 words total (see individual roles for word counts)
Author's Summary: Otherwise known as: Arthur and Merlin are hopelessly in love and also just kind of generally hopeless, and they have to keep the magic a secret. And by magic, we mean sex. Arthur doesn't take well to it. (BDSM AU)

Performance Description: Dramatic
Additional Information: I need volunteers for the below listed remaining 16 roles/parts (see my google document for more information, word counts), preferably recorded and also edited by the performer and each section submitted as a separate file via email to me (I can edit the sections if needed though). I actually do not think you really need to have read the entire fic* to successfully perform most of these fake academic articles/meta-fic/folklore sections if you are familiar and comfortable with BDSM-Universe stories, so please do not let the total length of the story scare you away; however do mind the warnings carefully please. If you need clarification/warnings for a specific section before you sign on, please let me know. :-) *Edit 8-16-14 - I have 2 parts left, please see the gdoc for details*

*Have I mentioned how this fic is made of awesome? If you haven't already, you should read it, lol!

Warnings: Alternate Universe-BDSM, Bondage, Impact Play, Derogatory Language, societal expectations in terms of gender and sexuality, past non-explicit bodily trauma, past emotional trauma, Gender Confusion, Caning, references to bad/traumatic past sexual experiences, brief references to suicide in fictional situations, teen pregnancy in fictional situations, fantastical non-explicit self-harm (in fairy-tale), a form of prostitution (hired dom), Soul Bond, Injury during sex, Emotional Baggage, Emotionally Abusive Parenting

Requesting Roles: comment below or email superstitiousme@gmail.com

Narrator (main story) - Superstitiousme - All dated sections, all chapters
Glass - Skellerbvvt - sections in all four chapters, final word count undecided
Roles 3-15 - Open - 13 meta-fic/fake academic reference sections ranging from 62 words to 1850 words, scattered throughout all four chapters, please see the google doc for details. *Edit 8-16-14 - I have two of these sections left, please see the gdoc for details*
The Story of Psyche and Eros - Akihimekisano - Chapter 1 folklore/meta-fic, 3 sections, 3348 total words
Loki and Sigyn - Originally - Chapter 2 folklore/meta-fic, 3 sections, 2512 total words
Beauty and the Beast - Skellerbvvt - Chapter 3 folklore/meta-fic, 3 sections, 3843 total words
Pavi of the Chopped Off Hands - Cast - Chapter 4 folklore/meta-fic, 3 sections, 2265 total words

info:community & other promos

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