Thought You Should See ThisAuthor:
oohshinyfangirlRating: PG-13
Summary: It's the best thing he's ever seen...
Warnings: Kurt/Adam, see author's note for the rest (spoilers)
Author's Note: This is a combination reaction fic to 4.15 and 4.16, then goes completely AU for 4.17 onward, though I do incorporate some spoilers for 4.18 (One section of this will talk about there being a possible school shooting at McKinley - I don't go into detail, but if this is triggering for you at all, please don't read it). Ultimately, this is a Klaine reunion fic. :D
File Info: mp3, 56.13MB, 49:02
personal lj,
AO3Notes: I'm not a multishipper. Period. I'm not a Kurt/Adam fan. At all. I almost didn't read this story. But. This is slayerkitty, and obviously Klaine so it was hard to resist. And I'm so glad I did and that, luckily, slayerkitty said yes when I asked to record it. Please go give slayerkitty some love if you like the story. As always, any mistakes are mine alone.
analise010, who, despite it not being her fandom, listened first and gave me encouragement and support - thank you so much!!!