Podfic: Is This a Raid? by Entangled_Now

Mar 20, 2014 09:49

Title: Is This a Raid?
Fandom, Pairing: Teen Wolf, Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Author's Summary: "Oh my God, Scott put soy in the cart, he put fake meat in the cart, he's trying to kill us all."
Reader's Notes: Thanks to Entangled_now for blanket permission to record. This is a repod (see Knight_Tracer's version linked at the text version page on Ao3) and I feel a little weird posting another version, it's adding absolutely nothing to the archive, but it was just too much fun to pass up. I'm such a sucker for amusing dialogue.

Cover by laisserais

Length: 39:44

MP3 (Click for streaming link; Right-click and Save-As to download) || 36.4 MB

Or stream:

Points: (1 + 5) X 3 = 18 total points

reader:chemm80, amplificathon:2014, fandom:teen wolf, archived

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