Glee: Swear to Me

Mar 16, 2014 16:25

Title: Swear to Me
Author: alianne
Reader: oohshinyfangirl
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Anonymous prompted: early in their sexual relationship Kurt discovers that his charming, well-mannered boyfriend swears like a sailor whilst in the throes of passion.
File Info: mp3, 20.1MB, 17:33
Download: MediaFire
Crossposted: gleepodfic, personal lj, kurt_blaine, AO3
Notes: I love discovering authors who write my favorite kinks - I have a particular weakness for dirty talk - and was so happy that alianne was willing to let me record this. If you like the story, go give alianne some love!
Points: 5 fandom + 5 relationship x 2 = 20

reader:oohshinyfangirl, amplificathon:2014, fandom:glee, archived

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