1D/Radio 1 RPF ficlet by ymorton (Nick/Harry)

Feb 15, 2014 19:58

Title: "Abandon all logic herein lies mild witchcraft"
ymorton /
Fic info: 1D/Radio 1 RPF, pre-Nick/Harry, Teen.
Length: 0:7:44
Extract: he’s in the toilet at that dreadful GQ dinner, tugging at his ill-fitting powder blue suit and sort of, like, doing his hair at the same time. without touching it. what, so his quiff isn’t technically natural. technically it requires witchcraft. like you bloody wouldn’t.

cover by

Audiobook (7Mb) | MP3 (11Mb)
Streaming available at AO3

Notes: Tumblr keeps providing these amazing snippets of universes I want to record immediately - so I do, and then I realize they're horrifying to categorize and tag and title. But Nick and Harry are witches! How could I resist?

Thanks to
ymorton for giving permission to podfic and to
paraka for hosting.

reader:greedy_dancer, small fandom:rpf, archived

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