seven Leverage podfics

Feb 09, 2014 15:04

Scroll to the bottom for the podbook anthology and zipped mp3 folder

Title: Late Nights
Author: idyll
Reader: kalakirya
Fandom: Leverage
Pairings: Parker/Eliot/Alec
Rating: PG
Summary: tumblr fic for the prompt Hardison/Parker/Eliot, late nights ♥
Warnings: post-series
Length: 4 minutes 04 seconds
text on idyll's tumblr

download from the audioarchive

cover by me!

Title: eliot realising he's in love with hardison and parker
b>Author: idyll
Pairings: Parker/Eliot/Alec
Rating: PG
Summary: Eliot realising he is in love with Hardison/Parker
Warnings: none
Length: 6 minutes 16 seconds
text on idyll's tumblr

download from the audioarchive

cover by me!

crossposted to AO3

Title: eliot spencer meets captain america
Author: idyll
Pairings: Parker/Eliot/Alec
Fandoms: Leverage/Avengers crossover
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Oooh, a crossover? Steve Rogers and Eliot?
Warnings: violence
Length: 11 minutes 02 seconds
text on idyll's tumblr

download from the audioarchive

cover by me!

crossposted to AO3

Title: Plan A
Author: gala_apples
Pairings: Parker/Eliot/Alec
Rating: R/teen
Summary: Four times they worshiped each other, and one time someone else did.
Warnings: none
Length: 9 minutes 23 seconds
text at AO3

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cover by me!

crossposted to AO3

Title: Same Old Song
Author: glorious_spoon
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Summary: Five things the Leverage team know about each other.
Warnings: none
Length: 8 minutes 57 seconds
text at AO3

download from the audioarchive

cover by me!

crossposted to AO3

Title: His Kind
Author: tigriswolf
Pairings: Parker/Eliot/Alec
Rating: G/general
Summary: Sometimes, old warriors do get to retire.
Warnings: none
Length: 1 minutes 33 seconds
text at AO3

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cover by me!

crossposted to AO3

Title: your body is a war zone but you are not a ruin
Author: postcardmystery
Pairings: Parker/Eliot/Alec
Rating: NC17/explicit
Summary: “Make me a sandwich,” Parker says, so he does.

“Cut the damn wire,” says Hardison, so he does.

“Jump,” says Parker, says Hardison, and he never needs to ask, “How high?”
Warnings: blood, violence
Length: 14 minutes 27 seconds
text at AO3

download from the audioarchive

cover by me!

crossposted to AO3

there's also a podbook anthology and an mp3 zip file

fandom:leverage, reader:kalakirya, archived

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